Welcome to present simple and present continuos

Hello everyone, want to give a big welcome and wish them well in the way of learning this wonderful language, English. In this blog you will find exercises, audios, videos, very concrete explanations and tables that will tell you all about the present simple and present continuous. We hope you have fun learning with this very useful and instructive way. If you have questions you can comment on entries with the theme "eighth b" or send an email to: bubalooez@gmail.com

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009

Present simple exercises

In this exercise you will put the verb in the correct manner:

·        We (live) .......... in Egipto . Nosotros vivimos en Egipto .
1.      George (sell) .......... peaches and apples. George vende duraznos y manzanas.
2.      I always (visit) .......... my grandmother. Yo siempre visito a mi abuela.
3.      Luisa (go) .......... to the church. Luisa va a la iglesia.
4.      They (be) .......... my best friends. Ellos son mis mejores amigos.
5.      You always (pay) .......... the tickets. Tú siempre pagas los boletos.
6.      England (be) .......... a big and nice city. Inglaterra  es una ciudad linda y grande.
7.      I (study) .......... and (work) .......... in Bogotá. Yo estudio y trabajo en bogota.
8.      They (run) .......... in the park every Saturdays. Ellos corren en el parque todos los sábados

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